- Great service!
My site is working perfectly.
- Johnny
- In regards to your new Control Panel, I have one word to say. Awesome! It
completely blows me away that you can integrate a web site to make these types
of drastic changes to the server.
- Benjamin B.
- I have asked many potential hosting co's if they do / can do what you offer and
they all look at me dumbfounded. The best answer is "I guess we could..."
- Gregg
- A lot of service for one price! I have looked at lots of places and they want
lots of money just for the service you provide as a basic hosting service. Here
for a long time and recommending you to all my friends.
- Harvey R.
- What a pleasure compared to my previous ISP.
- R. Selenis
- This is a company I found for web hosting (after reviewing about 50 companies
and plans) that I think is the best bang for the buck.
- Catherine